Where to Get a Bible

and other Bible resources

You can access the Bible online for free, you can get a free very basic printed Bible, You can get used Bibles, and you can get new Bibles, some bound poorly and you can get excellent quality Bibles for a reasonable price. Before you get a Bible or get into the Bible, please go to the web page Which Bible, and read it because there are 100's of translations and paraphrases that you do not want to get because they have changed the wording.

Bibles On the Internet

Most of the online Bible resources you can search for words or phrases that are in the Bible, type in the book, chapter, and verse you want to go to, or pick a book and start reading. Some also have other resources such as Bible dictionaries, Concordances, Maps of Bible Places then and now, daily devotionals, topical studies, etc.

kingjamesbibleonline.org desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile devices
Search for words, phrases, verses, book, chapter, verse. Verse of the day, trending searches, search a subject for verses about it.

thekingsbible.com desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile devices
Search for words, phrases, verses, book, chapter, verse. Dictionary, Concordance, Atlas, Library commentaries and much more.

blueletterbible.org desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile device
Search for words, phrases, verses, book, chapter, verse. Many versions, compare verses in versions, concordance, devotionals, study resources, and much more

Downloadable Bibles & resources for mobile devices

eSword for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone. Free.
Full featured selection of book, chapter, and verse, lookup words or phrases, other free (and for purchase) other Bible versions for comparison, highlight, take notes, dictionary, commentaries, Strong's reference, and more.

My Sword for Android Free. Multiple downloadable Bible versions available along with other study resources such as commentaries, Strong's concordance with KJV, Dictionaries and you can select Book, Chapter, and verse or search for words or phrases.

Tecarta for iPhone and iPad King James plus Audio and Strong's Concordance. Search, take notes, etc.

Listen to the Bible (Audio) and video

Alexander Scourby is the most famous and most popular person that reads the entire Bible. He was an American film, television, and voice actor.

Earnestlycontendingforthefaith.com You can click on the Book and chapter to listen to online or you can download individual books to listen to one book at a time (there are 66 books in the Bible).

freeavbible.com Here you listen and view individual books of the Bible. They give the text as the Bible is being read by Alexander Scourby.

Buy CDs of whole Bible read by Alexander Scourby $50 (at the writing of this) for 59 CDs in nice black carrying case.

Buy MP3 on CDs of whole Bible read by Alexander Scourby $15.91 (at the writing of this) for 3 CDs. These DO NOT play in most CD players but will play on your computer.

Printed Bibles

Thrift store: Your local thrift store usually has a book section and will usually have used Bibles there but be careful, there will be all kinds of different versions and a King James might be hard to find there.  Sometimes they also have KJV bibles in a paperback version for just a few dollars.

Variety Store: Often department or variety stores have book sections, have Bibles there, and might have cheap paperback versions of the KJV or even better quality ones.

Parallel Bibles: If you must have a Bible version that is easier to read even though not as accurate, you can Google "parallel Bible" or go to Amazon or an online Book Store  and do the same search.  Please be aware that some of the translations such as the NLT (New Living Traaanslation) have been changed dramatically. Please read this. Compare the other translations to what the KJV says and when there is a difference, trust the KJV.

Church Bible Publishers. The best place to get good quality KJV bibles is here. They are $10 and up but the better ones will last a lifetime with care.  They hand bind these Bibles properly.  What does that mean?  See below.

The way bibles (and other bound books) are made is they divide it into smaller sections of usually about 60 pages, 15 double size sheets of paper stacked on top of each other. They are sewn down the middle right where they will be folded. All these sets are then sewn to each other and a backing material (the red and yellow stripped parts in the picture below) is glued to the back of all these sections. The mainstream large publishers don't glue the last two or three smaller sections to the backing material. With only the thread holding the last sections together (on both the front and back of the Bible or book), with use, the threads break and then the sections on the ends come apart and then you need to buy a new Bible which is the reason they do that.

Bible improper binding

Below is what the Bible looks like after a while using it. It is "planned obsolescence" so that you will have to buy another one sooner.

Bible coming apart

Below is proper binding with the backing running all the way across binding all the sections together with glue. This is how Church Bible Publishers bind their Bibles together. The one shown below is from them.

Bible proper binding