Saved and No Bible Knowledge

Congratulations on at least being saved! Since I don't know anything about you, then I don't know when or how you were saved or what being saved means to you. If you came to this page after reading the Ultimate Truth web page, then I assume you understand what Biblical Salvation is. If you didn't, then I suggest you go to that web page to make sure we are talking about the same thing.

Once you have made sure that you are truly saved in the Biblical sense, it is time you start your journey as a Christian and this is the right place to do that. Maybe you have been attending church already but have just never started reading and studying your Bible yet but have learned some in church. Maybe you are in a wrong church that doesn't emphasize studying your Bible. Maybe you just got saved from someone talking to you and leading you in a prayer to accept Jesus as your Savior but never pursued it further.

Whatever your situation, with no Bible knowledge, you are still a "baby" Christian and you need to start growing. The best thing to do to get started is to go to the Saved Just Now web page and go through that since you really are at the same place, just with a gap between when you got saved and now.