Add Your Profession of Faith



You do not want the wrong type of people trying to find you after you post your new profession of faith saying you just got saved so only your first name city, state, country, and the date you got saved and the code number if you have one.

The code number is the number in the lower right corner of the card you found or received, or if someone you know sent you an email, they might have asked you to note it. This enables a person that gave you the card or that sent you an email to know that their efforts resulted in a person being saved from going to hell and can rejoice with you that you now have a home in heaven. They will not be contacted directly but can find any person or people by checking on this website. If you don't have a code number, just leave it blank.

To prevent garbage from being posted, this form with your information will be sent to me and I will manually post the information to the professions page.

Form will be located here. For now use the contact page and just send me an email